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 If you could be a fly on the wall to watch a great historic event what event would u pick? (13)

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DaWolfman(3324) pic

If you could be a fly on the wall to watch a great historic event what event would u pick?

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3 points

I think it would be wicked awsome to watch The Battle of Grunwald in HD if you know what I mean. It may sound a little crude but that would be awsome to watch the greatest medieval battle of all time!

I wouldn't waste my wish on something I believe already happened David =]

Side: The Battle of Grunwald
2 points

Assassination of JFK, to prove it was just Oswald. And to witness it. I only live about 10 minutes away from where it happened by the way, I have seen that place multiple times.

Side: jfk assasination
2 points

When Jesus was around, that way I could come back and say beyond any refutable doubt whether the stories are true,

of course though, the only people who would agree with me, are the ones who already agreed with what I said happened anyway...

Side: Jesus
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
2 points

You really are an arrogant jerk. (;


Side: Jesus
1 point

lol, yeah, the wording is weird,

I meant it to say that

even if you were right, and I was wrong about god,

and I came back and said so,

it wouldn't really change anyone's mind, they'd find reasons not to believe me.

Side: Jesus
2 points

when Hitler got bombed and almost died

Side: Jesus

I would have liked to have been there when John Wilkes Boothe yelled Sic semper tyrannis after he shot President Lincoln

Side: Lincoln assassination
2 points

it would be awesome to watch ww3 man. just watching nukes take everything out.

Side: world war 3 baby

There are many. The signing of the Declaration of Independence, the explosion of the first Atomic Bomb in NM, the Battle of Gettysburg, the Invasion of Normandy, the signing of the surrender by the Emperor of Japan at the end of WWII, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the first email message, and in the future, if there is ever contact with aliens or humans find life on other planets, I would like to be there.

Side: lots and lots

The end of human society ;)

Side: lots and lots

The Monica Blewinski / Clinton affair. I'm not very deep and I doubt Bill went in deep either :)

Side: lots and lots
2 points

I knew you would say that, I knew it.

Side: lots and lots

On June 26, 2015 at the Supreme Court when the decision was announced that Gay Marriage is the law of the land. Just to see the look on Antonin Scalia's face would be well worth it.

Side: lots and lots