
Debate Info

Debate Score:29
Total Votes:29
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 If you post on this debate you will be banned! (16)

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supermasuel(170) pic

If you post on this debate you will be banned!

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4 points

Yay!! I always wanted to be one of The Band!! .

Among The Band :))
3 points

Is this a second account I see ? ProLogos ?

2 points


2 points

We have another keyboard basement bound warrior spewing nothing but nonsense ! So what is the debate we all shall be banned from is the question !

1 point

This is a fine example of how Tuesdays don't call for the G factor.

2 points

But it is Thursday. What planet do you hail from, cadet?

1 point

Likewise, profligates transpiring the Rubicon , decided to reassess the void.

2 points

I would like to step in for a second and say, Hi.

1 point

No nose is better than four nose, but who's nose is it for?

1 point

Trump's, because he'll make a good president.

1 point

Dorrito Door Cheetoh. Durango Django. I hang coats in rain boats.

1 point

So, you are saying that Dorritoes are made from discarded door parts and cheetahs?

1 point

Apocalyptic proportions are rising with great vulgarity to descend the reaches of time.

2 points

Does this mean no more daytime television? How will we survive?!?

chairs(67) Banned
1 point

corn corn corn corn

corn corn corn corn corn corn

corn corn corn corn

corn corn corn corn

corn corn corn corn corn corn

1 point

Getting banned for exercising free speech on a debate website is analogous to being martyred for standing up for your religion. Ban me. Maybe I'll end up with 77 virgins in the end because of it, who knows?