
Debate Info

I think so. I'm not so sure.
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 I think so. (1)
 I'm not so sure. (6)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

If you send a werewolf to the moon, will he ever change back to normal?

I think so.

Side Score: 1

I'm not so sure.

Side Score: 6
1 point
Side: I think so.

I think they're on a 28 day cycle..., like a woman's period. Maybe they're just PMSing ;)

Side: I'm not so sure.
1 point

It's the sunlight reflected from the moon, not the moon its self. If he went to the dark side of the moon, or in a cave, he'd be fine.

Side: I'm not so sure.

So if he was on the sunny side, he would remain a werewolf? I knoew this was the forum to ask such questions. You people are so knowledgeable about these things ;)

Side: I'm not so sure.
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

If it could survive. The dark side of the moon is friggin' cold.

Side: I think so.

We would give him a space heater..., get it? Space.... Heater ;)

Side: I'm not so sure.
Jungelson(3955) Clarified
1 point

Yupp, plus werewolves don't exist, you wouldn't be able to get it there, and there's no air there :)

But hell, we're throwing about 95% of logic out the window on this one, soo..!

Side: I think so.
1 point

Uhhhhh.... he'd be dead.

Side: I'm not so sure.

We would build him his very own little space suit and moon base. I'm not heartless ;)

Side: I'm not so sure.