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 Impact of Media on Society (5th Period) (7)

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ghanna(47) pic

Impact of Media on Society (5th Period)

Consider the ongoing debate about the impact of video technology on modern society. There is little argument that video technology has an impact on society. The issue is whether the impact is positive, negative, or both, and to what degree we, as producers and developers are responsible for the result of our actions.

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The impact of media on society can be good and bad. For example, pornography is bad because it can be viewed by children easily through computer, phones and TVs. It also has a good impact because we can watch news and stay updated with other things around the world. Our responsibility as as producers and developers is not to violate copyright laws and to make people happy :D

1 point

We think that media can be negative and positive because anything can be said and done in videos, some people use it for good things and some other for bad, some people tamper could tamper with good videos causing them to send a negative message. We as video producers are in charge of what people could think, we can express what we feel about a topic making a video and getting feedback by the people who watch your video.

1 point

We All Agree That The Impact Of Media Has Both A Negative & Positive Impact On The Society. It Has A Negative Impact Because People Are SociallyAwkward & Don't Talk To People AboutTheir Problems They Just Post It Online. Everyone Has Different Views On Major Subjects, The Kony Issue For Example, Which Can Lead To Arguments. It Has A Positive Impact Because Media Makes It Easier To Connect To People. Media Allows For Movies To Be More Entertaining and Easier To Understand. It's An Unrealistic View On Society & False Assumptions Of Reality.

1 point

I think it is both because as producers we should know what is right and wrong and that we should be able to have common since on what to post on the internet

1 point

Video technology has a tremendous impact on society because it has a way to connect people from distant points without traveling. With positive technology we can create a better world, in which people understand themselves much better. It also promotes awareness of issues occurring in the world. Such as, KONY 2012, starting on you tube.

However, technology can affect the world in a negative ways as well. Technology has placed human beings in the position of being able to destroy dozens of people at a time because it can also promote false information and lead to embarrassment in some cases, such as Rebecca Black.

The producers of media have full responsibility for the public's reaction. They are aware of the material that they are publishing and anything that is put online, can not be permanently deleted.

1 point

We think the impact of Media on Society is both positive and negative because there is good and bad videos out there and you can't really control it. We as producers have a chance to control what information goes to the viewers, wether it is negative or positive information.

1 point

I believe that video technology has both a positive and a negative impact on society, and as far as producers taking responsibility, producers know what they're putting on the air. They should take full credit for better or for worse.