
Debate Info

Iron man Batman
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Iron man (2)

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eclark52(21) pic

Iron man vs batman

No being biased based on which you like better.  Iron man and superman are both just regular people with a lot of money.  Iron man'a advantage is he is a genius.  Batman is still smart but his advantage is his fighting abilities.  Again no favoriting either one.  Logical answers only consider everything. 

Iron man

Side Score: 2


Side Score: 0

What type of terrain are they fighting in on? Are there any buildings, mountains etc.?

Is it night or day?

I need to know these things, but I'm supporting Iron Man, because he has better explosives.

Side: Iron man

I'm going to have to generally vote on Iron Man's side, primarily because the suit pretty much hard-counters the majority of Batman's arsenal.

In the right circumstances, Batman could come out ahead, but I believe that of the two Iron Man would be in a better position to shape the circumstances.

Side: Iron man
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