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wardogninja(1790) pic

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Challenge Debate: Is Atheism a relgion.

While i am not arguing that it is wrong for some one to be an atheist, i believe that the only purely logical belief would be that of agnositic (by which i mean believing humanity at this point can not prove or deny any deity's existance). Because of this, any "conculsons" that atheist claim prove God does not exist are not solid enough to prove anything.



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Atheism is not a religion, it is a lack of religion.

While I fully understand that it seems to be against the code of an atheist as you see us to assume anything we cannot prove, I can assure you that I, like most atheists, assume that no God is real, or ever has been.

Everyone holds a similar view - Santa Claus. Can you prove that he doesn't exist? No. Do you assume that he doesn't? Yes. We all do.

It's as simple as that.

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wardogninja(1790) Clarified
4 points

OK i understand. So an atheist is not necessarily someone who is assured in God's nonexistence, they are people who remain unconvinced or undecided on His existence, and so they choose not the practice any of the religious traditions or rites.

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AnOddEnglish(128) Clarified
2 points

Yes, an atheist is not necessarily assured, but it can often be the case. I would confidently say that most atheists are sure that God does not exist, the same way that we are all sure that Santa Claus does not exist.

I notice that you capitalised the "... on His existence..." and so I'd like to clarify - I do not use Santa Claus as an offensive example, good Sir, it is merely the best example I can think of. Has this allayed any doubt you had about the term; "Atheist"?

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