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Debate Score:63
Total Votes:69
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QuestionMan(604) pic

Is Goodmale Serious About Having Sex With His Dog?


Side Score: 26


Side Score: 37

It's creepy to say the least..... I am actually worried about him. He could be trolling.

Side: Yes

Yes. I am also a heartless bitch for opposing his alleged right to rape his dog. It will lead to killing even! Check my link. WOW the fail. He says: Lets make a scenario in saying you are right and it does become illegal in the hole world. So here that would be more bad then good because zoophilia and bestilty will still do it and there would be like 2 million more crime cases in the world and america and other countries don't have the space or money and supplies to deal with 2 million prisoners. It would be like D day but a 100 times bigger !!! Also there will be alot of suicides and some of us will not go down with out a fight and that will mean killings. I mean I don't think you would want to be killed just because you split up love. Also even for people that don't do the act again and don't commit suicide. What would you tell them on how to satisfy there sexaul feelings because you can't say live alone then your will be the wrong one and you can't say either find a human because most have already tried that.

Supporting Evidence: Major fail. (
Side: Yes
0 points

Yes I am very serious. Why wouldn't I be.

Side: Yes
4 points

I seriously doubt it... he's a kid trolling. He has multiple accounts... his "Goodmale" account claims to be a 28 year old man (LOL) and his latest account claims to be a 23 year old female who is gettin' it from her two year old German Shepard.

It's ridiculous. ALL of his accounts use really poor grammar and they can't spell, that's the give-away. He uses the spell check now but it doesn't catch stooopid mistakes that all his accounts make like:

my self instead of "myself"

hole instead of "whole"

alot instead of "a lot"

He has multiple accounts, about six, maybe more, and he up/down votes all day long. Meh? Who cares really? Andy isn't going to do anything about it because it creates more traffic.

Side: No

I seriously doubt it... he's a kid trolling. He has multiple accounts... his "Goodmale" account claims to be a 28 year old man (LOL) and his latest account claims to be a 23 year old female who is gettin' it from her two year old German Shepard.

It's ridiculous. ALL of his accounts use really poor grammar and they can't spell, that's the give-away. He uses the spell check now but it doesn't catch stooopid mistakes that all his accounts make like:

my self instead of "myself"

hole instead of "whole"

alot instead of "a lot"

He has multiple accounts, about six, maybe more, and he up/down votes all day long. Meh? Who cares really? Andy isn't going to do anything about it because it creates more traffic.

How would a kid know about sex with animals?

Also why wouldn't they do anything about it? I mean he certainly sounds serious.....

Side: Yes
1 point

Don't let him lie to you alot of people that are in football can't even read anyway so why would it matter if I don't care about my spelling.

Side: Yes
1 point

Ugh! Dude... I told you to stop repeating everything or at least break it down:

How would a kid know about sex with animals?


Also why wouldn't they do anything about it? I mean he certainly sounds serious.....

Who is going to do what? It's the internet and this site's resources are limited.

Side: Yes
Jungelson(3955) Disputed
1 point

Ugh.. Fucking change your name to QuoteMan, because that is all you ever do. It becomes clear you are opposing the other persons argument the moment you click 'dispute'. Why feel the need to wast everyone's time by quoting everything they said in your argument as well..?!

Side: No

I knew all those dog humpers were one person. Do you think this is Danny?

Side: No
2 points

I doubt it's Danny.

Side: No