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Debate Score:40
Total Votes:43
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TheEccentric(3381) pic

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Is Goodmale a hypocrite for complaining about trolls?

Is it hypocritical for him to complain about "Thereasoner"being a troll when it is pretty obvios that he is one himself.


Side Score: 23
Winning Side!


Side Score: 17
1 point

I think he likes getting fucked by trolls so... yeah, why would he complain?

Side: Yes

I think he would like getting fucked by anything.

Side: Yes
1 point

Why am I am hypocrite. I just telling you guys that Thereasoner is trolling.

Side: No
1 point

You are a hypocrite because you are calling some one else a troll when you are one yourself. Whether the person you are accusing is a troll or not you still are a hypocrite for accusing them of being something you are yourself.

Side: Yes
goodmale(1459) Disputed Banned
1 point

Prove I am trolling. No what you need to do is stop lying.

Side: No
1 point

He Is Trying To Say Your Posts Look Like Trolling In Othe Debates.

Side: No
1 point

They are trolling posts.

Side: Yes
1 point

I just assumed that he was crazy, not a troll... But if he's really thereasoner, then yeah.

Side: No

He is a troll and a multi accounter. On his debate about zoophillia I received four down votes for numerous arguments when I was disputing him and there is no way that there are three people on this site that agree with him considering he has only got a load of criticism for his controversial pro-bestiality views.

Side: Yes
1 point

Okay, I'm convinced! He's a troll.

Side: Yes
goodmale(1459) Disputed Banned
1 point

People must agree with me. Your just mad that I got a friend that likes me. You probably got downvote because mayby your argument was not good.

Side: No