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QuestionMan(604) pic

Was Jesus Christ of Nazereth a Rip-off of Horus?

Above: The movie that started it all.....


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I think many of those claims come from the movie Zeitgeist which is full of false information, so I would be pretty skeptical of their claims. There may be some truth mixed in but do your homework and don't take their claims at face value.

Edit: Fixed a typo

Side: No

I think many of those claims come from the movie Zeitgeist which is full of false information, so I would be pretty skeptical of their claims. There may be some truth mixed in but do your homework and don't taking their claims at face value.

Many Atheists unfortunately use this as their main argument in a lot of debates. It's flaws include the false claim that Horus was born of a virgin which he was not and that Horus was born on December 25th.

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LittleMisfit(1745) Clarified
1 point

Yep, unfortunately many people just copy and paste things without taking the time verify if they are true. I'm sure we've all done it at some point.

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1 point

December 25th was the Roman festival of Sol Invictus. Emperor Constantine apparently belonged to a sun cult when he converted Rome to Christianity. To ease the Romans into the new religion without making the switch feel too drastic, he made the birth of Christ to be celebrated on the same day as the sun festival, made the day of worship fall on Sunday, and many images of Jesus show him with the sun behind his head, as can be seen in the video you posted above.

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1 point

Religious figures have things in common with other religious figures... That's just how it is. There is a Buddhist myth that claims Siddhartha Gautama was born of a virgin, and Buddhism came prior to Christianity. The story of Moses being found in a basket floating down the Nile, is almost exactly like the infancy legend of Sargon, a king of Mesopotamia. So parallels can be found almost everywhere.

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QuestionMan(604) Disputed
1 point

There is a Buddhist myth that claims Siddhartha Gautama was born of a virgin

Where does it say that?

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GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
1 point

I learned it from a religion course I took in college. You can look it up if you want. It was passed down through oral tradition for a while, just like the story of Jesus' birth.

Side: Yes

That claim was popularized by the movie Zeitgeist which contains many errors such as Horus was born of a virgin, was born on December 25th, it also claims that Jesus was born on December 25th which he wasn't. That is some of the many errors in the Zeitgeist. If anyone wants to debate me feel okay to dispute.

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