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chrislewis21(19) pic

Is Marriage Logical

Do you believe that marriage is necessary?


Side Score: 1


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My problem with marriage is this; First it is against our "biological hardwiring". All animals (including humans) have three most basic instincts:Survive, Eat, Reproduce. Anthropologists believe that the first humans didn't share a single mating partner, but instead had several in order to reproduce for the strength of the group (which were nomadic). Secondly, it is unethnical. Why do you have to get married to spend the rest of your life with someone? Why can't your love for you parnter be the basis of a long-term relationship, instead of a paper certificate at the courthouse. Marriage is a binding legal contract between two individuals, and is extremely hard to break, aswell as expensive.

Marriage comes from religion. It was a union under god that, overtime, turned into tradition. Basically, people only did it because they felt it was morally right. Marriage is a sacred union between two people that should be taken very seriuosly, I agree to that, but from a logical point of view marriage is just a tax exemptoin.

Side: No
Spoonerism(831) Disputed
1 point

First, the fact that anthropologists believe the first humans had multiple sex partners means nothing to today's society. Evolutionarily speaking, it makes more sense to have fewer sex partners as we are over-populating the earth as it is.

Second, there's nothing ethical or unethical about marriage. It's not unethical to go through a tradition to commit yourselves to one another. Nor is it unethical to opt not to go through such a tradition. They're just personal choices that have no bearing on ethics.

Third, marriage IS economically beneficial. So for that reason it would be logical.

Side: yes