
Debate Info

evil good
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:20
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 evil (6)
 good (4)

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goodmale(1459) pic

Is Mr pickless truly evil or is he good


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 6
1 point

I think you need to stop having sex with your dog and watch better cartoons.

Side: evil
goodmale(1459) Disputed
1 point

Lol, your funny 😁

Adult swim is the best, why do you say that?

Side: good
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

That cartoon was awful and unwatchable.

Side: evil
Hellno(17724) Banned
0 points

No one cares if you've got the hots for Mr Pickles, ew gross, keep your perverted crush on a cartoon dog to yourself.

Side: evil
goodmale(1459) Disputed
1 point

What he is cute but that's not the topic please give an opinion weather you think he's good or not.

Side: good
Hellno(17724) Disputed Banned
0 points

What's the weather have to do with it? It's been rainy here today so I'm just staying inside and practicing my pickless guitar playing.

Side: evil
-1 points

................................ ............


....gghjjfh f JV xhfufjuf dkdgksyskydoyydoys fyoditdyidkoydo hflu

Side: evil
2 points

I'm not sure but i guss he is good maybe. Please give me your opinion?

Side: good
1 point

Fjfjgjgu gjjfigivi gjfjgivuvuv gogigigkvkgg vkvkgkgkft vuvhcmfuvgkgk gkg

Side: good
TroyB(173) Disputed
1 point

I don't understand what you just said. Maybe because I am an alien? Sometimes I still struggle with the english language.

Side: evil