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joecavalry(40130) pic

Is NewsMax one of those slanted news organizations?

NewsMax fair and unbiased?
Can this be right? (

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3 points

Yes. This is pretty obvious by just looking at the front page of the site. (that I admittedly have never seen before)

I am not one to judge a book by its cover though. I also found that Bill O'Riley and Rush Limbaughs brother David contribute to the site. Furthermore, you can find this in the advertising tab of their site.

and this

Their demographic is obvious.

In this case, the cover is a good judge for the book.

Side: Yes are you blind
2 points

Because the news is now a for-prophet industry, for the most part there isn't any non-biased reporting in the good old USA. Every now and then I like to look at the BBC just to get some perspective.

I like MSNBC, but I'm not retarded, so I can realize that it's slanted left. You'll find liberals tend to know when something is biased because in general we understand it better, hence we're liberal. If we didn't get it we would be watching FAUX, and call ourselves Conservative and not understand that FAUX is in fact the least "fair and balanced" news source on TV.

You can't do much with anyone that believes FAUX isn't a bully poppet for fringe far right lunacy accept give them a cookie, make sure their helmets are on tight, and send them out to look for the magic leprechauns.

This is the first I've heard of NewsMax, but it took me all of 2 seconds to realize it was spin city.

1. I know who Dick Morris is.

2. I've been looking at Polls and recognize when Conservatives are trying to scare up their base by showing completely false projections.

3. No news station would advertise a story with "Obama's economic plan would ruin the universe," or whatever. Even if they were interviewing someone so tragically misinformed, they would put something like, "what McCain pundits say about Obama's economic plan."

So it's simple really. If you're not just pulling everyone's leg, and you really do have trouble telling, then that's probably because you've only been hearing one side for so long that it's kind of been indoctrinated. You should step back, read some news from outside the U.S., then learn some simple logic (not being sarcastic, actual logic like Straw Man, Red Herring, Slippery Slope) and apply them to anything you hear a pundit say.

Side: Yes are you blind
1 point

Well said. My favorite part was, "3. No news station would advertise a story with "Obama's economic plan would ruin the universe," or whatever."

Side: Yes are you blind

You crack me up ;)

Side: Yes are you blind

How do you guys know which news organizations are biased?

Side: Yes are you blind
3 points

Just look at the top stories on the page

"GOP strategist: McCain will win"

"Obama's Harvard Years: Questions Swirl"

"Obama would ruin economy with tax hike"

Then at the bottom of the page you can see advertisements for Sara Palin's book and a hat that says "U.S. border patrol"

I'm not picking on Republicans ( is biased too), but if you look at sites like this as your main source of news your going to be ill informed.

Also another easy way to tell if a news organization is biased: if it's in any way affiliated with FAUX news.

Side: Yes are you blind

Well I'll be darned! I'm so used to seeing that stuff it doesn't even register any more.

Side: Yes are you blind
2 points

It's obvious when you know the 'talking points' of both sides. NewsMax only effectively portrays right leaning(falling) points.

Side: Yes are you blind

How about if we look at different electoral maps and compare to see if this one is accurate?

Nope, I can't find another map like the one on this site. Also most of the other maps show actual poll numbers that show the poll results as opposed to just colors we're supposed to believe.

Supporting Evidence: See, facts not lies (
Side: Yes are you blind

How about this one?

or this one?

and this one?

Side: Yes are you blind
1 point

Are there any unbiased news organizations? If there are I sure haven't heard of them.

Side: Yes are you blind

And neither have I. I actually don't think one exists that has no bias whatsoever. I try and read them from both sides. At the end I'm one of two things...totally confused or I know something smells like a dead swordfish.

Side: This one nooo this one no its this one
2 points

By certain definitions, no. At least some seem to appear like they are trying to be. This site, and Fox News, are blatantly one sided.

Side: This one nooo this one no its this one

So, if we all agree that there are no unbiased news (and if we are all trying to get to the bottom of things), then the next logical step would be for us to band together and instead of attacking each other we specifically attack the news article. Point out the flaws and provide a news article (slanted the other way) that addresses what you just pointed out.

Side: This one nooo this one no its this one