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Debate Score:13
Total Votes:17
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 Good (7)
 Bad (6)

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rlinehan(38) pic

Is Obama a good president?

has obama been good for the unites states 


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 6
1 point

I agree with the concept that its too early to tell, however, answering the question asked i believe so far in his term Obama has tipped in good side of the balance scale (but not by much) my main reason for arguing 'Good', aside from the stimulus package, would be his progress with Health Care Reform.

Side: Good

It is now 2015 and President Obama is still a good President.

Side: Good

Well it looks like he fixed the economy: GDP at the end of 2009 increased by 5.9% and the unemployment rate has begun to decline.

Side: Good
0 points

Wow, one article that thinks that the U.S. economy isn't going to totally convinced me.

Just look at the numbers I already told you about how GDP increased last quarter 5.9% (much greater than the historical average of about 3.5%). In addition, job loss has begun to slow, and the unemployment rate has already starting to decrease.

If you disagree post actual reasons why, and only use articles as sources, not your entire argument.

Side: Good

He banned waterboarding.

Besides, it is too soon to call him a good president. Wait until he has left office to critique his tenure.

Side: Bad
1 point

I agree he hasn't been in office long enough yet but on the other side he is helping our economy and the unemployment rate but what if he gets to a point were hes done everything he can and were still stuck in a hole.

Side: Bad