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Technological Progress is Good Technological Progress is Bad
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:17
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 Technological Progress is Good (5)
 Technological Progress is Bad (7)

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Is Technological Progress Good or Bad?

Is progress in technology more of a good thing or a bad thing? Should we do anything to limit the progress of technology before it is more fully understood?

Technological Progress is Good

Side Score: 5

Technological Progress is Bad

Side Score: 6
Winning Side!
1 point

Technology progress is good because it will make Humans lives easier and more comfortable.A reason people don't like this progress is because it is taking jobs away from people, but why I think that wont be an issue is because there is constantly new jobs ready for people to work on and even job that don't require collage education.Also new advances in technology gives students better education with online school or online collage classes.That is why technology progress is a good thing for human kind.

Side: Technological Progress is Good
1 point

I think that Technology progress is good. Firstly, technology can help us in a variety of ways. For example, technology has replaced many jobs and made things like mass production a much easier task than using Humans. Another example would be the internet and how we can search anything within seconds. People may see technology as bad such as people making self aware robots that destroy the human race but if the robot thought like a human we could just tell it right from wrong and still have the ability to shut it down if necessary.

Side: Technological Progress is Good
1 point

Yes technology will help us all. The best part about it is that it advances almost every single day. 365 25/8 not 24/7 25/8

Side: Technological Progress is Good
1 point

I believe that technological progress is good. The primary reason is for the lengthening of human and other organisms that coexist and benefit the overall survival of the human race. A large amount of people in society depend on technology for survival, and technology is not just computers and phones, but advancements in prosthetic limbs for amputees or medical advancements, like cures for diseases such as cancer. People misinterpret the definition of technology and limit it to just computers. They may fear that the internet and robots will take over the world, but there are limitations to technology, and if that becomes a problem, we can just create more technology with a goal to exterminate the corrupt technology, and once that goal is achieved, that technology shuts down. In the end, life without technology would be a detriment to society, and may result in the deaths of many who are medically dependent on technology, and if technology is doing labor intensive jobs instead of humans, then humanity can focus on achieving larger goals and getting rid of larger issues such as world poverty and getting to other planets, not unclogging the toilets of the lazy.

Side: Technological Progress is Good
1 point

Many believe tech is a bad, the future and possible killer robots, world dominating technology, humanoid robots killing the entire population of the world and ruling the world as they are programmed to believe it should be ruled, but not all tech is bad. In future years we could develop a robot that could go into a disaster where no human could and save thousands of lives. Not only that, robots could later become important household security systems.

Side: Technological Progress is Good
1 point

Technological progress is bad because it can lead to a lot of problems. Killer drones are an immoral way to deal with problems. There have been multiple times where Americans have been killed by drones. There is also the problem of killing people that could still be innocent. People that say technological progress is good because it can do jobs that humans can do, but then there are less jobs available for people that are in need of a job.

Side: Technological Progress is Bad
1 point

Technology is harmful to society as a whole. As technology progresses, it allows more doors to be opened for cyber attacks and other harmful utilities to be used against society. The reason why more doors would be opened is because, the technology advances, so does the technology for terrorists to make cyber attacks. Technology could also be used for harmful utilities because, weapons for military purposes could be hold massive destruction for everyone around the globe. Although, some may say that technology will help protect ourselves and make our lives easier. In reality, technology only provides society with more complications. Technology also takes up majority of our time, keeping us from achieving a task that must be complete. According to a study discussed in the Washington Post, teens today spend more than seven and a half hours consuming media, which includes social networking, playing video games, watching television, and surfing the Web. This shows that society has been consumed by technology and if society as a whole wants to progress in a more peaceful and stable environment. We have to hold the brakes on technology.

Side: Technological Progress is Bad
1 point

Technological progress is harmful to humanity, the the biggest example of this is the disconnect between what we do and the repercussions we face, a person in real life faces genuine repercussions for bullying others, but online can face no reproductions. The further technology progresses the further this disconnect will become. Another issue is the immorality of killer drones which goes along the same lines as the online bulling people are easier to accept this as they feel a disconnect between their actions and the results of them. People say that technology will make human lives easier but fail to understand that the technology will make peoples lives easier for those who can afford it not those who need it like those with disabilities.

Side: Technological Progress is Bad
1 point

People could argue that technology is good to have knowledge at your fingertips that might be true but having with you at all times could also be a very bad thing because it could easily distract you from what you need/trying to do.

Side: Technological Progress is Bad
1 point

Technological progress is bad because they will eventually start taking more and more jobs. yea they were useful like with the assembly line because it saved a lot of money, but right now there are Americans dying, not minorities we are talking about living white people dying so this is a serious problem. we cant let these transformers take our jobs what are they king George? we cant allow this because we have lives and robots cant even eat chocolate milk. we cant let our value citizens die on the streets of Detroit because Arby's doesn't have enough space for another cashier person. we need to stop making progress before we kill the working class.

Side: Technological Progress is Bad
-1 points

Technological progress is bad because it can lead to a lot of problems. Killer drones are an immoral way to deal with problems. There have been multiple times where Americans have been killed by drones. There is also the problem of killing people that could still be innocent. People that say technological progress is good because it can do jobs that humans can do, but then there are less jobs available for people that are in need of a job.

Side: Technological Progress is Bad
-1 points

Technology has the ability to be good but more of it can be bad in the sense of school and government use. In a video that was viewed yesterday the Google employee stated a good point that even if people use the tech for educational use it can be used in a way that can harm many in one go. Sure, technology can be good for other uses but it can harm the person in mental and physical effects as well.

Side: Technological Progress is Bad