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Debate Score:17
Total Votes:20
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 No (7)

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Belma(229) pic

Is There Too Much Pressure on Girls to Have ‘Perfect’ Bodies?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 11

There's too much pressure on girls to view having the "perfect" body as the Only Important Thing.

Personally, I think guys should have more pressure to have good bodies (not muscular bodies; already more than enough of that, I mean well presented bodies), but nobody should feel that having the "perfect" body is the only way to succeed.

It's certainly a way to succeed, but not the only one.

Side: Yes
2 points

It amazes me that women see nothing wrong with the practice of makeup. If I were to design a ritual of vanity, a tribute to Narcissus, I would introduce the daily application of cosmetics in front of a mirror. Let's teach girls to identify and temporarily correct minor blemishes in their appearance, make them concentrate on them every day. I don't understand how such extreme vanity has gone unchallenged. How could one think this is healthy for girls? How could a girl not develop poor body image when she must paint herself into another person before going into public?

Side: Yes
1 point

YES! Why do you think 7-35 year-old girls starve themselves? Because their PRESSURED!!!

Side: Yes
0 points

I make sure to call every fat ass, a fat ass.

Side: Yes
3 points

Sure I sometimes get jealous of other women's "perfect" bodies, but food and fun are better. Don't be fat, but you don't have to look "perfect", which, by the way, is impossible.

Side: No
2 points

I think this is only something done by women to themselves. I remember seeing a study about how men view women and how women view themselves. The men described women that were meatier then the perfect models we see. And women rated the most attractive women as really skinny. So, the perfect body look is perpetrated by women.

Side: No
TrumpsHair(310) Clarified
1 point

While I agree regarding where much of the pressure is from, doesn't that still belong on the "Yes" side?

After all, the OP was simply asking if the pressure existed, not if the pressure was from men.

Side: Yes
0 points

I don't see it as pressure to have a a perfect body as much as it is not recognizing what actually looks good. I don't know if women are putting pressure on themselves.

Side: No
2 points

The pressure isn't ON the girls, it's FROM the girls. (oops...50!!!!!)

Side: No

No, but I'd enjoy applying pressure on girl's bodies, perfect or not.

Side: No