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Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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LizziexLaura(4278) pic

Is collecting worms a nasty thing to do?

Whenever it rains I pick up some worms and put them in my large tank full of worms. I put leaves amd lettuce and some plants in there. I dont want the worm to die outside. So I take it in. Is this an okay thing to do?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 1
1 point

Is it an OK thing to do? Yes. Is it a little weird? Yes.

"I don't want them to die outside" - Awwww! Cuteness!

I wonder, if I was a worm, would I prefer to snuff it outside in my natural habitat or in an alien environment? Not sure. Do the worms have an Xbox to keep them entertained so they don't get bored in the tank?

Side: Yes

She just leaves her tv, we our tv, on for them. I dont know why she does it but their is a 5 foot tank in our room full of plants and worms and these worms have grown. It is good food for the bird though.

Side: Yes

It kind of is but if they are thriving well then I guess it is quite fine. Not a big deal really.

Side: No