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Debate Score:6
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 NO (6)

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PrayerFails(11139) pic

Is further taxation by States on interest sales going close budget gaps?


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Side Score: 6
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Politicians and bureaucrats think that human action is constant despite what regulations or additional taxes that they enact. Human action will show that these taxes will prove to be futile. People will react, and they will change.

Taxes on internet sales will only hurt online business.


Most of the goods sold online are elastic, which means that the majority of the tax burden falls onto the producer. This means a fall in revenue and profit, and then it will mean more pink slips to good employees.

Side: No

If the government loves to continue to destroy the economy, then it is a good idea, but in reality, this will only hurt the economy more.

For every dollar that government takes through taxation, the private wealth and economy becomes that much smaller, and we become poorer.

Side: No

California is witnessing this problem, and it is going to hit hard. Failed State

Side: No

This will only hurt business, and it will do very little to close any budget gaps.

Side: No

Government is an never ending mission of killing jobs and innovation.

Side: No

Amazon may stop business in California over the new sales tax for online purchases.

Side: No