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Debate Score:6
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 NO (2)

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PrayerFails(11139) pic

Is government interference into the market only proof of black markets?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 2

This only proves in real life examples that when government prohibits a market, black markets are the result, which only causes more crime and corruption.

Side: yes

This is exactly what would happen if the government decided to ban guns. People would turn to another source for firepower- illegal guns, which would only increase the number of weapons smugglers.

Side: yes

Black markets are racists against white markets .

Side: yes
1 point

Everything is a matter of tradeoffs. This is how politics and consequently legislation works. If you make policies which are too harsh, without giving something back of equal value, you create incentive to violate law.

Side: No
1 point

With high taxes on cigarettes, the market is demanding that people are unwilling to pay the additional cost for cigarettes. Therefore, black markets are always created, which in turn, the tradeoff is more crime and corruption.

The market decides what is the appropriate level of consumption. The free market works much like a bathroom scale.

For example, if a fat man steps onto a scale, and it reads two hundreds pounds, the market is telling you what the appropriate consumption and price level, but if the same man stands on the scale with a regulated market, and it reads two hundred pounds, yet legislation will force or convince the fat man that he weighs 150 pounds and the legislation tries manipulate the consumption and price level, therefore, there is a huge inefficiency and dead-weight loss in the market.

Side: yes
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

With high taxes on cigarettes, the market is demanding that people are unwilling to pay the additional cost for cigarettes. Therefore, black markets are always created, which in turn, the tradeoff is more crime and corruption.

I believe I said this.

The market decides what is the appropriate level of consumption. The free market works much like a bathroom scale.

Not always. Not everything works optimally on market correction. Medicine is an example of this.

For example, if a fat man steps onto a scale, and it reads two hundreds pounds, the market is telling you what the appropriate consumption and price level, but if the same man stands on the scale with a regulated market, and it reads two hundred pounds, yet legislation will force or convince the fat man that he weighs 150 pounds and the legislation tries manipulate the consumption and price level, therefore, there is a huge inefficiency and dead-weight loss in the market.

You overextended your metaphor.

Side: No