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Is it fair to ban hijabs from schools that ban head coverings?

Why or Why not?



Side Score: 2
Winning Side!


Side Score: 0

I'm assuming you mean private institutions with specific rules against religious head coverings or disguises. If you're talking about public schools and their general "no hat" policy, that's different, I don't think that rule was enacted to discriminate against religious freedom nor do i think it should be used for such.

But we allow private schools (and some other schools the government generously funds) to discriminate based on race, gender, religion, and all sorts of other things, I don't see why this shouldn't extend to hijabs.

Side: Yes
1 point

So, you are asking me if I think that, were a school to ban any head coverings, ought hajib headscarf be included in that ban? I think so. It is, quite frankly, a head covering. Whether or not a head covering has religious significance is irrelevant; if the hajib headscarf is accepted, then so much other head coverings if those who have the audacity to ban head coverings wish to be consistent.

Side: Yes
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