
Debate Info

They have their purpose They are useless
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 They have their purpose (2)
 They are useless (3)

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Quocalimar(6470) pic

Is it good to hold grudges?

I don't really have much to say about this without favoring a side so...enjoy the picture.

A cartoon of holding a grudge

They have their purpose

Side Score: 2

They are useless

Side Score: 4

I say if it's on principle then it has a purpose. For example if the grudge is that you won't let a person in your home anymore, and the principle is because they keep peeing on everything. That would be a logical case for holding a grudge.

Side: They have their purpose
1 point

Rap... Corruption... Anarchy... Violence... Vengeance... Life.

Loved this movie.
Side: They have their purpose
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

... what?

Side: They have their purpose
Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

The video shows how having a grude can motivate you to beat the people who once defeated you.

Side: They have their purpose

Revenge was invented so that you wouldn't have to hold a grudge ;)

Side: They are useless

It's better to hold boobies ;)

Side: They are useless

Holding a grudge can make you feel miserable inside. Not a good thing!

Side: They are useless