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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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shashvin(24) pic

Is it possible to stop world hunger if every millionaire offerd their money.


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 2

I think so. Maybe if someone offered a rebuttal I'd understand.

Side: Yes
1 point

No, world hunger will continue and the millionaires will get their money back by working on their same jobs after they give the money.

Side: No
2 points

Actually it depends on what this money is used for. For example if this money is used to help grow crops and teach people how to plant and grow food then they may not have to even spend that much. They could possible use science by making food genetically different so that it yields more of itself. It mostly depends on what the money goes to.

Side: Yes
1 point

world hunger will still continue till the end of time. the millionaires also will refuse to give their money.

Side: No