
Debate Info

Colonizing Mars is worthwhile. Colonizing Mars is a bad idea.
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Colonizing Mars is worthwhile. (1)
 Colonizing Mars is a bad idea. (1)

Debate Creator

Starblazer(6) pic

Is it worthwhile to colonize Mars?

I'm beginning to think that there is no value to colonizing non-Earthlike planets.  Basically, it's not cost effective, and people on Mars would end up living inside for their entire lives.  Mars can't be terraformed, because it isn't massive enough to hold down an atmosphere.  Imagine people living in crowded metal boxes millions of miles away from the Earth ... that would be life on Mars.

Colonizing Mars is worthwhile.

Side Score: 1

Colonizing Mars is a bad idea.

Side Score: 1
1 point

Well imagine millions of people living in concrete boxes miles (granted that its smaller) from nature? That's New York City. I think colonizing Mars is definitely worthwhile. Humans have made Earth our bitch. Can you imagine, being apart of the generation that was responsible for the first humans who was NOT born on Earth?

Every human being, in history of the existence of our species, was born here on Earth. The first person to be born on Mars? Just think about that for a second. There has been about 108 Billion humans who have ever existed -- all born on planet Earth. The exact number of EVERY organism who has EVER been born on Earth is just not calculable. Now, imagine, the first person, the first ORGANISM, to be born on a different planet.

If there was anything that defined the intelligence our species, that would be it. I think that Mars is worth colonizing simply for the reason that it is the very nature of humans to forever want to expand, explore, and learn.

Side: Colonizing Mars is worthwhile.

Solve the problems right here on Earth and then colonizing Mars can be a consideration.

Side: Colonizing Mars is a bad idea.