
Debate Info

Usain Bolt for the 100run Michael Phelps for the 100swim
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 Usain Bolt for the 100run (1)

Debate Creator

xljackson(260) pic

Is racism logical?

I will pick a black guy over a white guy in a run.
I will pick a white guy over a black guy in a swim.
There is always an exception to the rule,
But are my picks are logical? 

Usain Bolt for the 100run

Side Score: 1

Michael Phelps for the 100swim

Side Score: 0
1 point

I bet the the next 100m olympic gold medalist will be black

Opposite for the swim.....

I bet 100k on these factors,

anyone willing to match up, we will have a written contract.

And don't worry, I'll find you when time comes:)

Side: Usain Bolt for the 100run
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