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Is the Cost of College to Expensive?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 0
1 point

Yes, especially considering a lot of colleges are sitting on butt loads of money and they don't need to charge the ridiculous amount of tuition they do charge.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes. Although, most people don't end up paying full tuition due to generous financial aid and scholarships.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes! Next question!

Side: Yes
1 point

Nothing like sending a bunch of kids out into the world deep in debt!

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes, and if we could make education dischargeable (in bankruptcy) then we wouldn't see such predatory loaning.

Side: Yes
1 point

I agree that the cost of going to a college is too expensive. If you want to attend an Ivy School, you must fork over around 25k for a year of tuition. (Atleast, I think.) That is way too much for the average household to afford. However, if you are smart enough, you should be able to get in through a part time scholarship, which cuts the tuition by around 45-50%. If you get a full scholarship, you get a 150% discount, where the school pays the cafeteria and the dorms for you to stay at their school. However, for the people who lack ability, but have the brain power and ambition to learn, and just haven't worked or done anything "extraordinary" yet, the cost is too much.

Side: Yes

Students will be in debt for 30 years. I feel sorry for them.

Side: Yes
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