
Debate Info

Constitutional Unconstitutinal
Debate Score:1
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 Unconstitutinal (1)

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kajay88(3) pic

Is the latest censorship law constitutional or uncostitutional?

Wednesday, November 16 is the first ever American Censorship Day in honor of the first House hearing on the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), and most of the internet seems determined not to repeat the ironic holiday next year. Actually, "pissed off with a purpose" might be a better verb to describe the collective sentiment around the House's SOPA, which is similar to the Senate's stalled PROTECT IP bill. The fast-moving bill would enable the U.S. government to effectively blacklist so-called "rogue" websites that violate intellectual property laws. Disney, Viacom, Time Warner and leaders in the entertainment industry strongly support the bill, citing the need for stronger laws to clamp down on piracy. But on a fundamental level, the bill invokes comparisons to China's firewalled web, since it would effectively enable the government to censor the internet. This has digital rights advocates up in arms, and everyone from the Mozilla Foundation to Google has joined the fight for the right to a free and open internet.


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This would infringe upon our first amendment rights. Although the bill has what I guess could be seen as "good" intentions, like everything in politics, it would eventually get out of control. With the bill in place, the government would easily be able to block any site they felt like , even if that wasn't the original intent of the bill. In government, things are always taken to the extreme.

Side: Unconstitutinal