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 Is this the new Progressive Democratic tax reform? Who is paying taxes? (8)

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Is this the new Progressive Democratic tax reform? Who is paying taxes?

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It is really difficult to justify and frustrating why the rich have to pay for the majority of taxes whereas the lower 50% actually get money back from the government. Why don't the government not tax the lower 50% at all and put the full burden of taxes on the higher 50%?

Side: Progressive Taxes Suck
gcomeau(536) Disputed
2 points

"Paying taxes"

"Paying Federal Income Taxes".

Please demonstrate for me that you understand the difference between those two things, since your post suggests otherwise.

On a related note... ask any of those rich people if they want to trade with the single mother of three living at the poverty line in exchange for not having to pay federal income taxes and see if you get anyone taking you up on your offer. If the answer is no, this whining is dishonest.

Side: Progressive taxes work best
1 point

I know the difference between paying taxes and federal income taxes. Federal income taxes is a tax on the taxable income depending on income while paying taxes is imposing a tax in general.

Granted, some rich people are born into privileged class, but some work hard and make good decisions in life. A single mother choose her fate by getting pregnant unless she was raped, and even so, she could have gotten abortion. This is not whining, and it is the honest truth. Some people are unwilling and incapable of making good decisions and working hard.

Side: Progressive taxes work best
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
1 point

It is really difficult to justify and frustrating why the rich have to pay for the majority of taxes whereas the lower 50% actually get money back from the government.

Under the current tax system, the wealthiest Americans pay less in effective taxes than, say, their secretary or assistants: consider the issue of capital gains, revalued charitable goods, house size, tax havens and myriad others. There is a disconnect between what many rich owe and what many rich actually pay in taxes. I also think that it is the working class who produces the most goods, from which capital is gained.

Side: Progressive taxes work best
1 point

The reason the majority of taxes go to the richest people is because the richest 1% of the population control about 40% of the wealth in this country, and the richest 5th of the nation control over 90% of the wealth, leaving the bottom 80% with less than 10%. Is it any wonder then why we don't tax the bottom 50% as much when they clearly have so little comaparitively? Even if we did increase federal taxes on them significantly, the amount gained would pale in comparison to what a small increase on the wealthy would increase that they would feel much less than those who do not have much to begin with.

In addition, you seem to completely ignore local, and state taxes that the poor must still pay, in addition to income taxes which disproprtionately affect those with less, because they spend more of their income on goods that have a sales tax.

I always have found the argument that progressive taxes aren't fair to be a little simple minded. If you are enjoying the majority of the benefits from the society you live in, doesn't it make sense that you should contribute more to the society that got you to where you are?

Side: Progressive taxes work best
1 point

I don't mind progressive taxing because I believe that government should give grants to Scientific research and pay to increase the military. That money will mainly come from the rich.

What I have a problem with is how government, instead, chooses to spend tax dollars on (and what they decide to tax). Government, first of all, should only be spending on a very few amount. Second, it should be trying to cut back on taxing as much as possible.

But it doesn't. The government taxes everything we do and then spends a shit load of money on w/e the fuck it wants. Hey, it's not THEIR money, it's ours (which they actually use to pay themselves, interestingly). They throw millions of dollars down the toilet on useless projects and tax the shit out of anything they can justify at the slightest. The government, for a while, has been a tyrant, and it is slowly getting more and more aggressive.

Side: Government Is Tyrannical