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Get over it Still very bad
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Get over it (4)
 Still very bad (1)

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SpoooFe(26) pic

Is trayvon marring killing really important or do we have to get over it

Get over it

Side Score: 5

Still very bad

Side Score: 1
2 points

It is Trayvon Martin, not Trayvon marring.


I do not see any purpose in anything beyond local news detailing the circumstances of a rather low profile homicide/manslaughter. If Zimmerman doesn't get punished to the full extent of the law, I can very well see race riots not unlike that following the Rodney King trial coming from it, and the media will be largely to blame. A non-black person kills - most likely in self-defense, from what I've read - a black person, and the whole country gets riled up; nobody cared when my cousin was murdered, very few people care when most of the other people who get murdered were murdered, and there isn't even any evidence that Martin was murdered.

I think that Spike Lee is more to blame in the entire fiasco than Zimmerman, frankly. Zimmerman kills somebody in self-defense, perfectly plausible. Lee tells the world the address that he thinks belongs to Zimmerman, probably hoping to see Zimmerman (an innocent man, as far as the law is concerned) be killed in some twisted sort of vigilante "justice". Instead, the people who actually live at the address are harassed, beleaguered by zombies out to exact revenge on the wrong people!

Spike Lee, fuck you, you evil motherfucking, cocksucking, good-for-nothing nigger. You don't even make good movies.

Side: Get over it
1 point

TTTTHHHHHHHAAAANNNNKKKKKK YYYYYOOOOOUUUUU finally someone under stands, this was just one killing. It was a white killing black for no reason people are saying, but if a black kills white it's nothing

Side: Get over it

Is that thing still going on ;)

Side: Get over it
1 point

The evidence has been building up in favor of Zimmerman recently. Amazing.

It turns out he WAS attacked. He was in the hospital with battle wounds.


And I actually believed he might have been guilty (Apollo and Davidh were beating it into me). but yeah, the man might have been an idiot, but a murder? Absolutely not.

Gallery of Zimmerman injuries

Who knows. maybe the police beat him and broke his nose because they hate black people, as Apollo and Davidh would try to convince us.

Side: Get over it

What happened to Trayvon was a tragedy and it will be discussed for years.

Side: Still very bad