
Debate Info

True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 True. (6)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (4)

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Bettyjoe(402) pic

It is NOT cruel and UNUSUAL if you start doing it more often.


People complain that the death penalty is cruel and unusual.  However, if we start applying the death penalty liberally across the board, it will no longer be unusual.


Side Score: 6

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 4
1 point

Incredible! I have been saying this for a long time. If you keep doing something over and over, it no longer becomes unusual. You hit it right on the head. Good for you!

Side: True.
1 point

If we drink to excess when others around us do not we may be considered as unusual, however, if we circulate with others who regularly drink to excess then it becomes normalised, like marijuana at a party - not difficult to guess who is the non smoker....?

Same with so many behaviours, the more it is done especially in the company of like minded who reinforce the behaviour, it simply becomes normalised

While doing a drug and alcohol test for dependence I asked a client if he found it hard to stop drinking once he had started. His answer was "What are you, crazy, we drink until its all gone"

Side: True.

Cruel and Unusual is a standard that has been set through over 200 years of precedent, not modern statistical trends. On top of that, it would still remain "cruel" for many cases (after all, you said liberally across the board).

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
zico20(345) Disputed
1 point

Cruel is subjective. Unusual is objective. What does modern statistical trends have anything to do with it. Slavery was not cruel or unusual for centuries. It was an acceptable practice. Times change. If people think the death penalty is not cruel and unusual then it will continue. If people think beheading criminals is not cruel, and then it is done enough times, then it will become acceptable.

But then again all it takes is 5 liberal Supreme Court justices to do away with ANYTHING that the will of hundreds of millions of Americans who find something acceptable.

Side: True.
Harvard(666) Disputed
1 point

Why can't it continue, it has been a helpful tool in decreasing extreme crimes--such as serial killing, cop killing, serial raping, child raping, etc.--unless you wish these heinous crime be manifested more often, I would suggest you change your viewpoint on the death penalty. (Of course you could always suggest extreme torture that just makes one wish they were dead, that could also deter heinously manifested criminalized behavior.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

"But then again all it takes is 5 liberal Supreme Court justices to do away with ANYTHING that the will of hundreds of millions of Americans who find something acceptable."

Aww, sounds like somebody doesn't like Judicial Review in a Constitutional Republic :P

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!