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 Jessald Looks Like BJ Novak (3)

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ThePyg(6706) pic

Jessald Looks Like BJ Novak

I'm not gonna put a pic-by-pic comparison.  Just google BJ Novak (Jake from "The Office") and see for yourself. 

Also, I don't know if this has been brought up before.  I've always meant to mention this, but Jessald and I always seem to disagree on shit, so I never found a proper opportunity to bring it up without sounding condescending.

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1 point


Their noses are completely different though. Their facial structure is not similar at all; it's just the hair, beard and blue eyes that make them look alike.

1 point

Jizzles looks like he needs some sun and a sandwich. I took out the rest of it to show a little civility.