
Debate Info

Jesus sinned for you Jesus regretted it afterwards
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Jesus sinned for you (1)
 Jesus regretted it afterwards (1)

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DarkestNight(5) pic

Jesus' crucifixion was a rape metaphor.

Could this be true? I mean, to kill someone just for saying some blasphemous stuff is going rather far, even back then.

If it had been a metaphor, everything would make a lot more sense.

Jesus sinned for you

Side Score: 1

Jesus regretted it afterwards

Side Score: 3

no, the jews killed jesus becaause they were not expecting a person to come as god they were expecting the lion of judah, so they obviously killed jesus for blaspheming what they thought was god, and the messiah was supposed to be king of jews, and they did not expect what jesus taught to be what a king would be

Side: Jesus sinned for you
3 points

No, but his conception was. Think about it. Did God ask Mary if she wanted to bear his child? No, he just said "this is what I'm going to do". In fact, he didn't even say it himself. He had one of his angels go down and tell her. I'm sure Mary had other plans for her life that she was never able to realize. She had a boy she wanted to marry, and undoubtedly have sex with and have his children, and God destroyed all of these plans without so much as a "by your leave". If you believe the Catholics, although she did end up marrying the boy, they never had sex, ever. Was that because no mere mortal could ever measure up to what she had with God, or because God told her he didn't want her to have sex with anyone else? We don't know. And if Jesus was God, well, that's just too icky to even think about.

Side: Jesus regretted it afterwards
moderatemark(481) Clarified
1 point

I don't mean to digress. I agree 100% with what you're saying (See: God is Rapist or Mary Is A Whore). But you raise a point I never realized before when you said "If you believe the Catholics, although she did end up marrying the boy, they never had sex, ever."* I just find that kind of mind-boggling, if that's true, because the Bible itself talks about Jesus's biological brothers.

Side: Jesus sinned for you
LeRoyJames(372) Clarified
1 point

The bible refers to his brothers, but doesn't say "biological brothers". The Catholics interpret that in the context of all men as brothers, since we're all children of God. At least, that's according to my wife, who is Catholic. If there are other Catholics out there who have learned something different, I'd love to hear it.

Side: Jesus sinned for you