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 Key Differences Between Dad Hats and Baseball Caps (2)

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AnnaLibertqq(15) pic

Key Differences Between Dad Hats and Baseball Caps

I'm looking to add some caps to my accessory line but am unsure whether to go with dad hats or baseball caps. Can anyone explain the main differences between the two styles and when each is most appropriate? Key factors for my brand are fit, wearability for women, and versatility across casual and dressed up looks. If you have any opinions on which cap style makes the most sense for a startup clothing brand, I'd love your input!
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1 point

Heya! Baseball caps and dad hats may seem similar but have distinct styles. This article compares their features and origins: dad hat vs baseball cap It provides tips for styling both cap types in fresher ways too! Baseball caps have firm structured crowns and curved brims, while dad hats have soft unstructured crowns and flat brims.

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