
Debate Info

Koi Pond Turtle Pond
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:11
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 Koi Pond (4)
 Turtle Pond (6)

Debate Creator

PhxDemocrat(13121) pic

Koi Pond or a Turtle Pond?

Which one would you prefer to own:  Koi Pond or a Turtle Pond?

Koi Pond

Side Score: 4

Turtle Pond

Side Score: 6

Is this a legit debate?? I prefer things that move in a pond..............

Side: Koi Pond
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

Turtles don't move?

Do you kill them or something?

Side: Turtle Pond
1 point

I mean that koi fish are definitely more active than lazy turtles......

Side: Koi Pond
krustyturtle(12) Disputed
1 point

could you please clarify do you mean kill turtles?..............

Side: Koi Pond
krustyturtle(12) Disputed
1 point

Are you trying to say turtles don't move because they do they just need to bask to recieve uva,uvb rays to improve health.

Side: Turtle Pond
krustyturtle(12) Disputed
1 point

turtles get UVA and UVB when basking witch they use to keep healthy and produce eggs,kill pests on shell,dry off to prevent shell rot.

Side: Turtle Pond

Turtle pond definitely turtles are not as lazy as many people on the opposing side of the argument may say. Turtles are very personable and can be hand fed and you can get to know each turtle individually while as most koi look the same and if you have several koi it would be hard to tell them apart. btw i have a turtle pond!!

Side: Turtle Pond