
Debate Info

Labor Unions No Labor Unions
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Labor Unions (1)
 No Labor Unions (1)

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iluvtennis27(6) pic

Labor Unions vs. No Labor Unions

Should there be Labor Unions in the United states or not?

Labor Unions

Side Score: 1

No Labor Unions

Side Score: 1

Labor Unions force collective bargaining for higher wages and better conditions.

Side: Labor Unions
1 point

I'm for choice. Labor unions should be permitted, but they should be neither required to join for a job, nor prohibited entirely.

Except in cases of Civil Servants, or Employees of the We the People. There should be NO unions in these workplaces, because they work for the people, not themselves. Government Unions should be wholly abolished. They bring nothing but corruption, and laundering of The People's Money.

Side: No Labor Unions