
Debate Info

Yes, sex and nudity are normal No, teen sex and porn is gross
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Progressive5(78) pic

Legalize Teen Porn (consenting 13 teen and up)

After reading an article of a man getting 8 years in prison for video tapping himself and his 17 year old girlfriend having sex, as well as a incident of teen girls wearing pajamas getting charged with teen porn; I couldn't help but wonder where is our common sense and why do we have laws written that can be used against the very people they were intended to protect? By the way, the first incident, two judges came out in defense of man. The judges said 17 in the state they live is legal to consent to sex and taking video or pics of a legal act isn't illegal. I thought, they bring up a great point, pics or video of legal acts should never be against the law and it's time we do something about this. Also, with sexting now the norm, why not legalize all consenting teen porn (instead of criminalize teens) ?

Yes, sex and nudity are normal

Side Score: 0

No, teen sex and porn is gross

Side Score: 0
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