
Debate Info

Legal Illegal
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Legal (4)
 Illegal (2)

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edubs1116(8) pic

Legalizing abortion?

I personally belive that even if I may not belive in abortion, I shouldn't be able to force my beliefs on others and this shouldn't be the governments decision, it should be ours...


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 2
1 point

your description is flawless. I believe the woman should have her baby... but she might not share those beliefs. the bottom line is wether you consider a fetus human or not it is part of her body so she should legally have a choice.

Side: Legal
1 point

Morally I'm not sure on how I stand on abortion, but I can not allow the government to make the decision not only for me, but for everyone else on the legality of abortion.

It is not the role of government to be making moral calls on something like abortion. It is up to the individual.

Side: Legal
1 point

It is your right as an American citizen to have an abortion. If someone can't afford to have a baby then they should be allowed to get rid of it. A baby is alot of responsible and some people can't handle it. I guess you could always send a baby off for adoption too.

Side: Legal

Does a woman have the right to an abortion under the U.S. Constitution? If someone is a strict constructionist who interprets the Constitution word for word, the sanction for abortion is given under the Fourteenth Amendment.

The Fourteenth Amendment of our U.S. Constitution defines a citizen “a citizen” at birth. If a woman is carrying a fetus in the womb, the U.S. Constitution does not designate the fetus as “a citizen.” It would take an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to declare a fetus a citizen. You have to be born in order to be recognized as a citizen. Therefore, a woman does have the right to choose. A fetus inside the womb is not designated as a citizen according to the U.S. Constitution so by default is not entitled to life, liberty, or prosperity. You have to be born in order to be endowed with those privileges. To conclude, neither the Federal government nor any of the States can deny a woman the right to choose.

If abortion is murder, abortion would have been terminated years ago due to the cruel and unusual punishment clause under the Eighth Amendment. Again, proof that a fetus is not recognized as a citizen of the United States of America.

Side: Legal
1 point

Considering zero people have offered an "Illegal" position, I'll make an attempt simply to be a contrarian.

I propose that eviction should be legal even if the eviction ends in the death of the unborn. This does not allow for simple "abortion" which is the outright slaying of the unborn.

The woman has a right to not have her food stolen from her, her body deformed, her life threatened, but that does not prescribe the death penalty for the baby unless another alternative does not exist. Imagine that the alternative of artificial womb transfer could come into being and that it would be possible for an unwanted zygote, fetus, etc. could be removed without its death. Once that technology exists, I would insist that the outright slaying of a human (even in an incredibly ungrown state) is unacceptable. Until that point, obviously forcing the woman to live as incubator at the point of a gun is unacceptable.

So, abortion should be illegal and eviction legal even in cases where it causes the death of the unborn.

Side: Illegal

NO!! it should not be legalized. Why do you have the right to take away a life? what makes you different to a murder? killing something that could turn out to be successful. If it is legalized teenagers will take that as an escape goat, having sex knowing that they could go into their local G.P to get rid of it.

Side: Illegal