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Debate Score:17
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 Look what you've driven poor Dana to do while off this site! (16)

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DanasLawyer(28) pic

Look what you've driven poor Dana to do while off this site!

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Hellno(17724) Banned
1 point

I'm sure Dana does that in front of a mirror all the time anyway. Psshhht!

ProdsBitch1(44) Disputed
1 point

In your dreams, princess. ;)

Hellno(17724) Disputed Banned
1 point

In my dreams you act like a slut in front of a mirror? Bwhahha! That's pathetic even for you Ms Struthers.

Stuff like this makes me ashamed to share the same skin color. >.>

Why couldn't you get some white folks who do this chiz for an example?

Don't do it