
Debate Info

Its a good thing its a bad thing
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Its a good thing (1)

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alexicon(10) pic

Modern media - is it on balance a good thing?

Modern media is invasive, it tries to sell sensational news, it is controlled by cested interests, it has undue influence on peoples  political views. Its dirty and shameless.

However, it has provided transparency to the previously closed corridors of power and it allows us to know more about the evil in the world which had previouly been hidden. It a force for freedom.


So overall, is it a benefit to us or a curse?

Its a good thing

Side Score: 1

its a bad thing

Side Score: 1
1 point

Make no mistake, I despise some of the actions and corruption in modern media, but it has exposed corruption and war crimes and oppression and it is a force for greater awareness of the world.

overall its a good thing. it just needs some work to keep it in line.

Side: Its a good thing
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