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Debate Score:8
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Modern television shows are mostly repetitive

CSI (x3), Law & Order (x3), NCIS (x2) , Bones, Monk, Mentalist, Criminal Minds - all crime shows

House, Mercy, Trauma, Three Rivers, ER, Nip/Tuck, Grey's Anatomy - all medical dramas


There are very few unique shows on anymore - everything is just a bunch of repeats of the same old storyline.


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 4

They are but these shows still get decent audiences so why change what works? If its not broke don't fix it and its not like there isn't alternative shows, nowadays you can watch a program about almost anything.

Side: yes
2 points

I don't watch any of the shows mentioned anyway! Discovery, History, sports, Archer and Family Guy, what else do you need?

Side: yes
2 points

Haven't you watched the shows on Adult Swim ?

Side: No

Of all the listed television shows, the only show that I watched regularly was Monk. To be fair, Monk was a comedic crime show. I never watch medical dramas. Now that Monk is over, the only television show I watch is Fringe on Fox, other than that, MSNBC, History, or Golf Channel.

However, it does appear that Network programming repeats itself because they go with what is popular and that is crime, medical and reality. Comedy shows are going to the wasteland.

Side: No