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Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Agree (2)
 Disagree (1)

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Liber(1712) pic

Monolingualism Restricts Individuals' Abilities to Think, Reason, and Understand


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 1
1 point

If one knows but a single language, then the maximum amount of knowledge which he may ever attain is limited to that which has been writ in that one language; one's world may double - more or less - with the introduction of an additional language. A language like Latin will not only open up the world of mediaeval knowledge, but also increases the Anglophone's understanding of his own language. Grammatical concepts not present in English may also allow one to express oneself in a manner which transcends the constraints of its own tongue.

Side: agree

Not only limiting your understanding of language, but depths of culture. You better understand others, not just literally, by speaking their language.

Side: agree

If one sticks to his/her native language, he or she will continue to gain vocabulary and understand proper Grammar.

Side: Disagree