
Debate Info

Worse Fair
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:12
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 Worse (6)
 Fair (4)

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Del1176(4975) pic

Morality of rape...

Say that a man raped a lesbian anally and then, in prison, is raped homosexually (and obviously he is heterosexual).


Was it any worse or was it fair?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 4
1 point

I'm writing under "worse"; but I don't really think it's worse at all. It's just wrong. Rape is ALWAYS wrong and can never be justified.

Side: Worse
Del1176(4975) Disputed
1 point

What if a man holds a gun to your mother's head and says that if you don't rape a girl then he will rape her, get his gang to cut her up and kill her.

Side: Fair
Taqwacore(668) Disputed
1 point

You're talking about a pretty extreme and unlikely situation. However, in such a situation you would be just as much the victim of rape. You're not raping the girl on your own volition. You wouldn't willingly have sex with this, would you? You're being forced. Shit, I don't even think I could take enough drugs or consume enough alcohol to make me rape that!

Therefore, you are being raped as much as the girl is.

Side: Worse
1 point

First that is a sick and twisted scenario but... I think overall it is fair that he gets violated like his victim. The only thing I am wondering is the realitive equality of the two situations. Would it be worse for the lesbian to be violated as you describe or in her genitalia?

Side: Fair