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gag1194(404) pic

Name all the trolls you know on this site

Even if they are not that much of troll they are still trolls, and even if theres a bunch of trolls you know just right ALL of they're names

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5 points

Prodigee. Prodigee. Prodigee. Lynaldea. Prodigee. Prodigee. Ingenious. ChosenOne. Prodigee. Prodigee. Maybe even Prodigee. Thats all the trolls I have encountered. Oh wait. And Prodigee.

2 points

Hmmm? Lynaldea may have pissed you off but he's not a troll. I don't think he likes me... well I don't really know... I pass him in the halls but he never says a word to me so... whatever. ;)

Hmph. Alright. I will pardon my anger towards him .

Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

Lynaldea's a troll?

2 points

To me and Lizzie. He thinks we are still the same person. I think he is made because I proved him wrong. Me and Lizzie had a post that we both posted at the exact same time proving we are two separate people. I do not know what his problem is.

4 points

The only person on this site that I know that is actually living under a bridge, is Thewayitis.

2 points

You only got this half right. I don't live under a bridge, but two bridges. I have a winter bridge in Florida that I go to when it gets too cold in Ohio. The bridge in Ohio is only my summer home.

3 points

Trolls, what are trolls? We don't need no stinkin' Trolls!

2 points

Troll: a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, , or off-topic messages in an online community

We are all guilty of posting off topic at some point.

2 points


A mythical, cave-dwelling being depicted in folklore as either a giant or a dwarf, typically having a very ugly appearance.

The ones not lucky enough to live in a cave, live under bridges like user Thewayitis.

1 point

You're both wrong.

In Internet slang, a troll (pron.: /ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is someone who posts inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response...

Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point
1 point

Well there is just one and that's Micmacmoc.

Although Micmacmoc could be Prodigee and Co, Kinda has more of same mannerisms as Prodigee and Co.

1 point

Kinda was Prod's original account... You are right. He was younger then and went to, got banned, went to iDebate, got banned and came back here. Mic and company? Not sure but they're all British and all act exactly the same... Hell I don't care though

1 point

Quocalimar. Prodigee. .

1 point

I'm pretty good at catching trolls... I don't think Quoc-amole is one

1 point

There is a major troll inifestation. If I wanted to name all of the trolls I knew, I would be here all day. The ones that come to my mind are ChoamNhomsky, Saunders, Taft, Mics, Prods and many more. I think Saunders Choam and Taft are the same person. Mr Right Mr wrong and Mrs Hellno are also trolls. Though I think they are hellno.

And joe has some troll accounts but they aren't so annoying.

Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Though I think they are hellno.

They are not.

1 point

Stardust. She is such a liar. .

0 points

What trolls? The biggest troll on this site right now is Randomdude he seriously is starting to piss me off he's making this site worse for me screw it one day he's going to piss me off so bad I'm going to quit this site

1 point

RandomDude??? Is he still around???

Sitara(11075) Disputed
0 points

I love RandomDude. He is so funny. .

gag1194(404) Disputed
0 points

Are you kidding me you know how much shit he's said about you and I try to stick up for you