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 Negative effects of internet on childeren (4)

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jiyeunhan(5) pic

Negative effects of internet on childeren


what can be negative effects of the internet on childeren?


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1 point

There are many games that children can access easily through the internet. Those games influence on children’s behaviors negatively. They seem to be more passive than others who do not use the internet and likely not to do outdoor activity. The internet reduces children’s physical activity so they are more intrapersonal than interpersonal because relationship with friends or family will be lessened.

1 point

People become lazy once they use the internet. Everything can be done by online. For example, we do shopping on internet rather than going to shop to buy a product which is delivered to us in front of the door so we do not have to go somewhere and we can save our time as well. The internet has many various entertainments that satisfy children’s desire.

1 point

Addiction disorder by spending time on the internet is also one of negative effects on children. Children who use the internet for long hours can be easily addicted to the internet and they spend most of their time on surfing the internet.

1 point

Well I have a 4 year old little brother and when ever he plays on the ps3 or computer he will never get off and when we tell him to get off he starts crying and saying he wants to play more