
Debate Info

True. Rubish.
Debate Score:34
Total Votes:35
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 True. (9)
 Rubish. (21)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Never underestimate American ingenuity.


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 24

The world may see us as fat and lazy. So lazy in fact that we don't even bother leaving our home soil to kill terrorists. We just kill them with remote controlled drones ;)

Side: True.
joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

What, exactly, did the terrorists accomplished with 9/11? ;)

Side: True.
Jungelson(3955) Clarified
2 points

Well, they are called terrorists, and given they made the entire USA paranoid about the middle east for a number of years, many still to this day...

I'd say they achieved their goal.

Side: True.
1 point

Would be brilliant especially if you can detach the vacuum cleaner to reach all the parts that the wheels can't fit in.

Given how small my house is, though, would be a waste of money. But I can appreciate the genius.

Side: True.
2 points

Fat ass, lazy ass Americas being lazy and fucking up the gene pool.

Just a herd of brainwashed infidels, multiplying like cockroaches. spits

You Disgust Me.

Side: Rubish.

We'll be sending a drone to a town near you ;)

Side: Rubish.

America wouldn't drone one of their own citizens!

Side: Rubish.
mulaar Disputed
1 point

With your language, you disgust me! You should be concerned with your own gene pool--thank G-d it's not mine.

Side: True.
Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

If that disgusted you then this isn't the site for you.

Side: Rubish.
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

Another example of american stupidity.

You take the time to insult something just because you feel offended.

You could be doing something more productive, but no, you'd rather show your weak and pathetic control over your irrational emotions.

Once again showing a weakness in the gene pool.

Side: Rubish.
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
1 point

Uh oh... that looked like a personal attack to me. Someone's being a bit of a hypocrite...

Side: Rubish.
1 point

Rubbish, but I'll forgive you for this, because ( I think it was you) who posted the argument on whether humanity was worth saving or not. Really cheered me up that one :P

Side: Rubish.