
Debate Info

Nintendo 64 Playstation
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 Nintendo 64 (7)
 Playstation (1)

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animedude639(1574) pic

Nintendo 64 vs playstation

The ultimate console war which is better.

Nintendo 64

Side Score: 7


Side Score: 2

N64 forever!!!!! XD

Side: Nintendo 64

The greatest console of all time (imo)

Side: Nintendo 64

No one will participate in my debate?

Side: Nintendo 64
1 point

I have to say Nintendo like the classics better than the new games.Besides i rather go old school.Wouldn't you agree?

Side: Nintendo 64

Agreed , games today just lost their touch, Gamers and game developers have lost what gaming is all about!

Side: Nintendo 64
1 point

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Side: Nintendo 64
1 point

Playstation was better.

It popularized the CD rom which enabled developers to create longer and more complex games. The N64 was actually criticized for keeping the cartridge system that had limited capacity. Developing for the cartridge took more time, money and effort while developing for the CD system the PS used was cheaper, quicker, easier and required far less optimization.

Also keep in mind that because of this, the PS enjoyed a huge amount of high quality games such as the FF series, Metal Gear Solid, Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger as well, the Resident Evil Trilogy, Medievil, Crash Bandicoot, Legacy of Kain etc. The PS is the true console that perfected the 3D jump, the N64 was merely the pioneer.

The N64 had very few high quality and memorable games, most of them came from Nintendo themselves, such as Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time - though none of them have aged well at all, if you ask me.

Side: Playstation
1 point

1.While cartridges cant hold as much memory and are more expensive to make they are less fragile and don't as easily break, also I don't have to worry if my cartridge gets scratched. Not to mention the loading times for cartridges are superior to the loading times on disks.

2.The games on the n64 were so much more memorable, in my opinion and to others opinions.

3.very few memorable? I hope your trolling I can think of at least 25 n64 games right now, that were very memorable. Banjo Kazooie> Crash Bandicoot, nuff said!

Side: Nintendo 64