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dhanu(5) pic


The population of India according to 2011 census was 121 crores.It was the worlds second populous country,while the 1st one is china.It constitutes about 15% of world population.In 2001 the population was 100 crores.In ten years there was enormous increase in population.If the growth rate continues in similar way India may reach 1st in population in next 10 years.IS THE POPULATION GROWTH GOOD FOR INDIA?

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Since most of the planet's animals are becoming extinct. No, it's not good. The indian tiger is about gone.

I always wondered why India had such a large population..... and then I remembered....., aren't those the people that wrote the Karma Sutra? If I recall correctly, the Karma Sutra is a book that talks about how different sexual positions/experiences affect your karma. They also wrote a book called the Kama Sutra that explains exactly how to get yourself into one of those sexual positions. Anyway, the Karma associated with all that sex is pregnancy. Now, normally, pregnancy in and of itself is not bad Karma. It's considered a blessing. But after 8 or 10..... well...., you just don't want to be blessed no more. And that's what I think happened to India. Although you probably should do your own research instead of taking my word for it ;)