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Debate Score:25
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 Pedigree and Ismaila are one and the same person. Don't be fooled. (22)

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downvote(53) pic

Pedigree and Ismaila are one and the same person. Don't be fooled.

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2 points

Then who's fake account is Downvote? And who is Pedigree?

I think they mean "prodigee." Anyway, do some research. That account goes back quite a way. I've seen it before. He/she has not been around longer than me but they have been around longer than you. ;)

1 point

Oh! I see ;)

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

So YOU are the one who did this. I see. .

Are people just trying to force drama now ;)

No way someone would have over 1500 points in two accounts in one week, JoeC is not is that crazy.

1 point

My name isn't Pedigree.

Yo dawg, maybe they weren't talking about you or maybe it was just a simple spelling error ;)

joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

Hey what happened to your Hulk guy?

Del1176(4975) Disputed
1 point

Allah forced me to calm down... Asa'allah malaykum fellow brother <3

I hope Satan finds me again to save me D:

1 point

Well it looks like we got a new user called downvote so beware guys he might down-vote you a lot.

I just told HellNo so I'll tell you too. That account goes back quite a way. I've seen it before. He/she has not been around longer than me but they have been around longer than you. ;)

Srom you have to be kidding me. Are you serious? This site is under attack. I swear it is.

1 point

You are a liar. I am not Prodigee. You do not have the right to slander me.

2 points

I agree that you are not Prodigee and that you only have the account that you have.

1 point

Muchos gracias, mi amigo. :)

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

The slander was on me, babe.

Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

It was on both of us, honey. ;)