
Debate Info

I agree. I disagree.
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 I agree. (3)

Debate Creator

Sitara(11075) pic

People have the right to choose whether they become parents or not.

People have the right to choose whether they become parents or not. No one should be forced to be a parent against their will. Everyone has the right to use contraception

I agree.

Side Score: 3

I disagree.

Side Score: 0
1 point

I agreed with this statement because I think parents should not be pressured to become mother and father if they dont want to. It is their right to choose if they will have a child or not, because it is their own selves, and other people or laws should not be the one to dictate if they would be parent. It is their choice if they will use contraceptives and the like, so as to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

Side: I agree.
1 point

You are so right. :)

Side: I agree.

People should not remark to a couple, "When will you be having kids?"

Side: I agree.
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