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Phone case

Hey everyone! Just upgraded to an iPhone 12 mini and I’m thrilled. Now, I'm on a mission to find the perfect case. It's a jungle out there with countless options, and I want to make sure I make the right choice. I’m after something that offers great protection (since I can be a bit clumsy) but doesn’t hide the phone’s design or make it too bulky. I’ve heard about some cases being super slim yet protective, and others that are eco-friendly. What’s everyone going for these days? Are there any materials or designs that are particularly in vogue? Insight from you all would be super helpful as I start this search. Thanks a bunch!


Side Score: 1


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1 point

Congratulations on your new iPhone 12 mini! It’s a fantastic choice, especially for those who prefer a more compact smartphone. When it comes to cases, there are a few trends and options that stand out in the crowd. First off, clear cases are incredibly popular for those who want to protect their device while still showcasing its design. They’re usually made from a durable polycarbonate or silicone that offers good protection against drops and scratches.

If you’re environmentally conscious, eco-friendly cases made from biodegradable materials or recycled plastics are gaining traction and offer a sustainable choice without compromising on protection or style. For the best of both worlds in terms of style and durability, silicone cases with a microfiber lining are a go-to. They’re soft to the touch, provide a good grip, and the lining adds an extra layer of cushioning for your device.

Leather cases are also a favorite for their premium look and feel; they tend to develop a unique patina over time, making your case truly yours. Wallet cases can be a practical option, doubling as a cardholder and phone protector. Look for features like raised bezels for added screen and camera protection, and ensure any case you consider is compatible with wireless charging for added convenience.

While I can’t direct you to specific products on Orase or similar, such sites are known for their variety and quality, offering everything from minimalist designs to rugged protection. Be sure to check out reviews and ratings to find a case that’s not only stylish but also highly rated by other users for durability and design. Best of luck finding the perfect case for your iPhone 12 mini!

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