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 Politicians Need to Talk Less About Law and Order, and Do More About Justice (4)

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Pantagruel(984) pic

Politicians Need to Talk Less About Law and Order, and Do More About Justice

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2 points

I don't feel like it matters if they are talking about law and order or not. They don't seem to act on it. If you wanted to act on law and order you wouldn't have the right legislating morality, and you wouldn't have the left legislating against the law abiding citizens. What about law and order involves making laws that allow discrimination? What about law and order involves telling non criminals what they are allowed to protect themselves with?

So, since talking about law and order leads to those problems, maybe a shift to discussing justice will cause different problems that aren't so bad.

1 point

Well, Law and Order is indeed a pretty good show and lots love to talk about it.

But I agree with you they should be doing more regarding Justice Scalia's replacement.

0 points

Ensuring that Justice is carried out and disseminated in the United States is not really the job of politicians.

Rather, it falls under the auspices of the Judicial Branch.

And, I guess, in a pre cursory sort of way, the Legislative Branch. As they can and do pass laws that are written, supposedly, to ensure that justice is meted out.

It is neither the responsibility of within the scope of these gas bag politicians who you see running for office and stumping to ensure that justice is done.

And of course Law Enforcement is the entity that, well, enforces those legislated mandates and laws.

The most any politician can do to contribute to the process of assuring justice is to get measures and Resolutions passed in Congress. Or on a more basic level, doing things like lobbying the Gov for more funding in his state or District for law enforcement.

Hope this helps...thanks.

Atrag(5666) Disputed
2 points

The distinction between the three branches of state is not so clear in the USA. The most senior judges are appointed by politicians and, unless I'm mistaken, I believe governors can issue pardons. That is on top of the fact that it is the prosecution (a branch of the government) that decides who should be charged and with what . Through plea bargaining they often decide the sentence too.

Hope this helps...thanks.

Its phrases like this that gives you away as a cartoon troll.