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 Pope Francis Meets President Obama Today (6)

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Pope Francis Meets President Obama Today

Pope Francis will be greeting President Obama today as his plane lands in America.

If you were Pope Francis, what would be your first words to the President?
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1 point

Hello Mr. Obama.

instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

Goodbye Mr. Pope slides finger across neck

Mr. President, you and 177 Democrats voted against protecting a baby who was born alive after a botched late term abortion.

Mr. President, do you know how many times Democrats have changed the rules when it comes to an unborn baby's right to life?

Mr. President, first they told us that Roe V Wade would only allow 1st trimester abortions unless life of mother , etc.

Mr. President, they then told us tax payers would never have to pay for other's abortions.

Then they told us that they now support late term abortions right up to birth.

NOW they are telling us that even when a Baby survives the murderous act of abortion and is born alive, THE CHILD STILL WILL NOT BE PROTECTED!

Mr. President, Planned Parenthood have been harvesting Baby organs for sale yet you STILL want to support this orgnization.

Mr. President, you tried to force Catholic schools, Catholic hospitals to pay for birth control and abortions! What happened to keeping Church and State separate? Democrats censored a community's freedom and rights to choose to have a school prayer under the argument of separation yet now you want Government to tell Churches what they must do?

Mr. President, I see no compassion in this Democrat party. I see all politics and pandering to feminist and pro abortion special interest groups.

I wished we had a Pope who had the guts to say that.

0 points

grabs his groin "Oh God was harsh on your kind back in the day but by golly did he bless you in others" licks lips

"Mr. President, you have a wonderful family. I am happy to be here in America."

1 point

Obama: "Why, thank you! And what of my country?"

Pope: "How old is Malia?... I'm capable of finding a flaw with your country!"